Reflecting in the Valley of the Rainforest Giants
by Amy Smalley
For my soul walk I knew I needed to go somewhere further from my home so that I could really work on being mindful, and practice what I have been learning without feeling rushed into the daily rituals of my life. I took an overnight trip to enjoy the Quinault Rainforest, a place I had never been, but have always wanted to visit. I wanted to enjoy and experience all that this forest had in store for me, and use my senses to wonder, and connect with the forest.
Sit Spot Watercolors
by Sophie Benfield
For my Growth Rings project, I knew I wanted to do something visual, preferably with watercolors because it’s been years since I’ve played around with them. I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to come up with the perfect idea that I became a bit paralyzed. I decided to just start with a simple inkblot watercolor each week, using colors I was extra drawn to in Nature that week.
Falling Leaves
by Monserrat Pizarro
Leaves are dropping,
So many colors
Some end up in wind tornadoes
Looking like a fire
Oranges, Reds, Yellows
What Does The Tree Call Itself?
by Bethany Parnell
I am beginning to encounter trees as living beings more than before. The big tree in my sit spot catches my attention and I think “I don’t even know it’s name”. I began to think about our human naming process for trees and then wondered “what does the tree call itself?”
Reflections of Growth
by Kelly Gauthier
Reflections of Growth is the Growth Rings project created by Kelly Gauthier, FTS Certified Forest Therapy Guide, May 2023 cohort.
Tootsie Roll Trail
by Jean Eis
The Tootsie Roll Trail
Winding, rocky, rooted path
Walk gently on you.
Treats of Nature
by Ruth Smith
I share with you several treats of nature I photographed during my four hour Soul Walk. During this time with nature, I felt a range of emotions flow through my body. I’ve never spent this amount of time with nature, slowing down enough to respect my feelings and body, and allowing my feet to step tenderly, one step at a time.
Mourning Dove, Join Me, Please
by Rachel Malpasso
I’m waiting for the birds to join me at their feeder.
I’m trying to be patient,
Relatively still.
Sarah’s Growth Rings
by Sarah Alvestad
My growth ring project is finished and like much in life, it turned out differently than I had originally planned.
Forest Journey
by Nicole Kaye
Apart from the woods
I had lost myself,
Entangled, and mind-bound
Mother Tree
by Suzanne VanOver
During my soul walk, this mother tree revealed a parent embracing a child and that with consciousness, there is safety.
The Stone and The Acorn
by Whitney Wallace
I’ve always been attracted to the stones.
To the rocks.
I would collect them in my pockets and my mother,
much to her dismay,
would find them rattling around,
in the washing machine.
Look Closer
by Marion Kastner
When we slow down and take time to notice, we experience so much more.
Mentioned in Vogue Magazine
The Forest Therapy School was mentioned in an article in Vogue magazine, March 2023.
Lessons at Heartcenter
by Laura Transue
sometimes it feels like
jumping off a cliff
being more than human
being blessed with worthiness
My Soul Walk
by Shawn Ramsey
I struggle to relax as I enter the forest
Fidgety and anxious
Unsure about this assignment
Forest Therapy
Featured article in the January/February 2023 edition of Forest Landowner’s magazine
A Leaf Never Detaches
by Glenna Lee
I came to the forest to watch a leaf fall.
Last year, I watched leaves land,
Altogether a different miracle.
The Sharing Tree
by Mary Judd-Pechie
Many years ago, Tree lived alone in the Forest. Tree stood tall and proud, reaching up to Sky, Sun, Clouds, Moon, and Stars. Tree was content.
Then one day Lichen came along. “Tree”, said Lichen, “Are you lonely here, reaching up to Sky, Sun, Clouds, Moon, and Stars?” “No”, said Tree, “I am content- are you lonely, Lichen?”